Happy New Year! This is a time for hope, a new beginning, and, of course, resolutions. We all have them. Promises to ourselves to change and, hopefully, an action plan to do so. Sometimes we even have accountability partners. Then, life gets in the way of our resolutions. We go from “I will” to “I should have.” Sound familiar?

What if this year we set intentions instead of resolutions? For me, intentions are actionable lifestyle changes based in purpose, while resolutions can be a little more fleeting and rooted in want. Typically, resolutions will start with “I want to” or “I am going to,” while intentions start with “I am.”

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Funny how the words “I am” completely change the mindset. Suddenly, it becomes a part of your identity instead of just a want. This is the magic of an intention or affirmation. If you make it a part of your identity, you are more likely to take action and make it happen.

 Don’t worry if you have already set and started your resolutions for the year. With just a small tweak from “I want to” or “I am going to “to “ I am,” you can reframe your resolutions into intentions. Of course, it not just that easy to say, “I am.” You still have to work to turn your intentions into reality. Here are a few simple tips to stay on track with your intentions this year.


  1. Create an action plan. Make a plan that makes sense for your life now. If you want to get healthier but hate kale, don’t create a meal plan with mostly kale salads. Instead, do your research to see which healthy actions you can make a part of your plan and still enjoy.

  2. The goal is to create habits. This is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. Focusing on creating sustainable habits will result in long-lasting results.

  3. Be patient & flexible. Of course, set milestones for yourself but don’t rush. Be patient with yourself and allow for some flexibility in the process. Lasting change can take some time to implement. Once you get the hang of things, you will be unstoppable.

  4. Celebrate the small victories. As you hit each milestone, don’t forget to celebrate the small wins. Do something fun to treat yourself. It will help keep the momentum going.

  5. Write yourself a letter – While you are still pumped up and ready for change, write yourself a letter. Express the hope and ambition you feel in this moment. Please keep it for times when you need a little extra push to stay on course.

Want to learn more about intentions? Check out Mama Paige’s podcast – Refill with PreachSista! – where she and I discussed intentions and vision boards for 2021.


