Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.”– Orhan Pamuk

As many of you know by now (and in case you don't), I am a dog mom. I am not the "let my dog kiss me in the mouth" type of dog mom (no offense if you are), but I am the "if you don't like my dog, you can get out my house" type of dog mom. Of, I say this most respectfully and peacefully possible lol. Seriously though, being a dog mom has become a massive part of my life and my identity. 

February 14th was the anniversary of Pup's Gotcha Day. Yes, he was a Valentine's Day surprise. Well, kind of. I'd wanted a dog for years. I always felt that I wasn't quite ready, but that didn't stop me from scrolling through cute puppy pictures on Instagram. A couple of weeks before Valentine's Day, I came across a picture of a rescue puppy in my area. It was Pup! At this time, he was so tiny you could hold him in one hand. I knew at that time; he was my dog. I sent the picture to my partner at the time with the message "PLLLLLEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSEEEE." 

It worked! Around lunchtime on Valentine's Day, I received a call from the rescue center asking if I was ready to pick up my puppy. Of course, I was! I went to pick him up, and it has been a bit of a journey since then lol - a few ups and more than enough downs. Since adopting Pup, I've learned so much about myself and have grown as a person – especially in being more mindful. I am excited to share a few of the lessons with you!



  1. Take a break. It so easy to get into a workflow and get lost for hours without a break. Many times when I am wrapped up in work, Pup steps in to remind me to take a break. It starts with a nudge to my foot and quickly escalates to a toy dropping on my computer. Whether it is a nudge at my foot or a toy dropped on my computer keyboard, it is a reminder to step away from whatever I am doing and be in the moment with him. 

  2. Enjoy your surroundings. Every time we go outside, Pup takes time to enjoy his surroundings. It seems like he sniffs every blade of grass, licks every plant, and nibbles every stick but not before he takes a moment to sit and watch the cars drive past. All of this before and, sometimes after, he does his business. It honestly used to drive me crazy. One day, I decided to follow his lead. I didn't smell the grass or anything, but as he took time to enjoy his surroundings, so did I. I took time to breathe in the fresh air, admire the sky and plant life around me, and be. 

  3. Drink more water. Pup drinks a ton of water. He has no interest in drinking anything else. If his water is tainted, he won't touch it.  I am not the best at drinking water. I like to add lemon juice, ginger, and other things to my water to make it tolerable. But, sometimes, a glass of plain water does the body and mind good. One day, I decided to drink plain water every time Pup visited his water bowl. By the end of the day, I had a whole gallon of water. I don't do this every day, but now every time Pup drinks water, it's a reminder for me to check in with myself to see how my water intake is going for the day. 

  4. Eat what makes you happy. Pup has a unique taste for a dog. He loves tofu and broccoli just as much as he loves hot dogs and bacon. Not so much a fan of fruit, but he loves his veggies. Why do I know this? Because Pup will try everything once. If he doesn't like it, he won't bother you about it again. He continues to eat what makes him happy. It's important for us to try different foods to see what makes us happy and our bodies feel good. Then, eat what works best. Don't feel forced to eat what everyone else says should be good to you.

  5. Mornings and Evenings are sacred spaces. Pup has been very instrumental in helping me keep my morning and evening sacred spaces almost screen-free (We're still working on it lol). When I first wake up and right before I go to bed, I limit (if not completely cut off) screen time. Before, I was doing it to protect my energy and give myself time to get grounded. I wasn't the best at keeping those boundaries. Over this past year, Pup will bark at me or close my computer (yes, he nudges it close) if I seem a little too engaged in my phone or computer in the morning or evenings. The only way for him to stop is to put the screens down.  

I realize that many dogs are similar to Pup. This post is not to brag on my dog but to encourage you to pay more attention to your dog's habits. You might learn a few things. If you don't have a dog, you are welcome to share in the lessons I've learned from my Pup. I hope they help you as much as they have helped me.


