Let’s talk about something that has been everywhere– Manifesting! There are some different opinions about manifesting. Some negative, some positive. I happen to be one of the positives. Whether you know it or not, you are constantly manifesting things in your life. So, why not learn about manifesting so you can be more intentional about what you are attracting into your life?

Let me explain. Manifesting is the process of putting your energy into and focus on something to get a result. Yes, mind and soul power. That’s it. You don’t have to pick up sage, crystals, or a 100-year-old tree to make things happen – unless you want to. No judgment here! I also have sage sticks and crystals, but that is another blog for another time. lol

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So, how can you positively manifest things in your life? I am here to breakdown manifesting into 5 steps to help you get what you want:

  1. MAKE UP YOUR MIND. Believing for and going after what you want is hard to do if you don’t know what you want. This first step is typically where people get misaligned. Sit down and figure out what you are going for before you make a plan to go for it. 

  2. WRITE IT OUT. For me, writing it makes it real. You are more likely to accomplish something if you write it down. According to Productive and Free, “writing things down enables a higher level of thinking, and therefore, more focused action.” So, write it down and keep it somewhere close. You might need to reference it later when you are visualizing.

  3. LEAD WITH GRATITUDE. This is a general rule for life but especially for manifesting– lead with a grateful heart. Going after anything from a place of “why can’t I” or “ I deserve this” can cloud your thinking. Instead, approach it from a place of “I am grateful for where I am now because it leads to the place I want to be.” Believing that in this space you are already on track to getting everything you want. Let the joy of knowing this fill your heart and lead with that as you move into steps 4 & 5. 

  4. VISUALIZE THE RESULT. This is your green light to daydream! Not only daydream but really feel what it would be like if what you are working towards happened. Believing in a dream car? What would the seat feel like? What would it feel like driving the car? What would you do if you had the car? Yes, get that detailed. The more you visualize, the more familiar it becomes. The more familiar it becomes, the more attainable it is. 

  5. ACT AS IF IT IS ALREADY HAPPENING. Believing with no action is just a daydream. The last step to making it happen is acting as if you have it before you actually do. This doesn’t mean go out and spend $300K on the car before you are able, but you can do little things now. Will your gas budget go up with this new car? Then start setting aside the extra money every month you will need for gas now. This is just an example, but I hope you get the just of it. Start doing little things now to get in the flow of where you want to be. The slightest adjustments today can make your dreams feel much more achievable.  

This is a practice. Not an overnight miracle. Take these steps and make them your own. It is my  hope that seeing how manifesting works encourages you to positively manifest things into your life. You are the one powering your dreams by being steadfast in your focus, grateful, and making tweaks to the space you are in now to make your dream more attainable. You got this!


