Do you have a morning routine? I was completely opposed to morning routines when I first started my mindfulness journey. Why? Most morning routines I heard about included making my bed. This was not something I wanted to do. So I went a couple of years without a morning routine…or, so I thought.

After learning more about morning routines, I realized that a morning routine is just a series of steps you do in the morning to get yourself ready for the day. Whether it's intentional or not, we all have morning routines. Why not be more intentional about how you start your day, even if you don't want to make your bed?



According to, the first 20 minutes could be the "gateway to your subconscious." I decided to put this to the test for 21 days …and it worked. The information and practices I immersed myself in for the first 20 minutes of the day either positively or negatively impacted my day. 

If I took the time to meditate, read, or listen to positive videos, my days went very well. I was focused, positive, and more patient with my very energetic pup. My morning routine consists of meditation, positive videos, and a cup of coffee on most days. If I have more than 20 minutes, I will throw in some reading, yoga, or journaling.

There is no perfect morning routine. Do what's best for you. The key is to be intentional about starting your morning, not to have the perfect morning. This could include dancing, taking a walk, or whatever makes you feel your best and tap into your higher self. Maybe for you, it's making your bed.

5 Tips for a morning routine

  • You are worth 20 minutes. Think of all the minutes of the day you give to other people - whether you are checking social media, meetings at work, or video chatting with family. Why not reserve at least 20 minutes for you? You are worth the first 20 minutes of your day. It will benefit all the people you interact with later in the day.

  • It's about practice, not perfection. I cannot say this enough. With self and soul care, it's not about perfection. This is especially true for morning routines. If you are like me and your bed is your best friend in the morning, try listening to a 20-minute motivational video while lying in bed. Then, tweak the routine from there to best fit you.

  • Your intentions should dictate your routine. Don't know what to do? Let your intentions lead you - research what other people are doing who have similar intentions. The morning routine that works for you in January might not work for you in December if your intentions have changed. Allow space in your morning routines to change with your intentions and needs.

  • Make it easy on yourself and create systems. Morning routines don't have to be hard or feel like a chore. Create systems that help you flow through your morning routine effortlessly. If part of your routine is to read, leave the book by your nightstand with a bookmark on your starting page. Have a favorite guided meditation and motivation video? Make it a shortcut on your home screen for easy access.

  • Stick with it for two weeks and make adjustments afterward if needed. Stick with it! If you are not used to having a morning routine, it can seem like a bit of a chore at first. Dedicate at least two weeks to sticking with it and see how you feel. Feeling like a chore? Tweak your morning practices that better fit your intentions and needs. Continue to try and tweak until it feels right to you.


Just A Few Recommendations…


