“If my name ever goes into history, it will be for this act, and my whole soul is in it.” – Abraham Lincoln.

President Joe Biden quoted Abraham Lincoln in his recent inauguration speech. My whole soul is in it. As I replayed those words in my head, I wondered – what is my whole soul in? What would I put my name on with no hesitation? It is a good question to ask yourself from time to time. Really take the time to sit with it.

Of course, my answer was Plant-Based & Slayed—this blog and all that I have envisioned for the brand. Before starting Plant-Based & Slayed, I spent 21 days figuring out what to put my whole soul into. I removed as many distractions as I could and streamlined many of my daily decisions. This time allowed me to focus on my purpose, visualize it, and develop a plan to make it happen.

So, my question to you is, what have you put your whole soul into? When was the last time you took the time to find out your purpose or realign with your purpose? If you haven’t, I would recommend you take some time to do it soon. It is easier than you think. You don’t need to take time off (unless you want to) or completely cut off the whole world. It’s all about setting aside time to focus on what you have or can put your soul into and setting boundaries to protect that time. It could be as simple as sacrificing your TV time every night to do something aligned with your purpose. 

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This February, I decided to take some time to realign with my purpose and revise my plan of action. Here are a couple of tips I learned the first time that I am taking into my February at the home retreat: 

  •  Come up with a plan but don’t make it complicated. Don’t overcomplicate things during your home retreat. The whole purpose of this retreat is to remove distractions. Making a complicated schedule or plan can be more of a distraction than a benefit. So, keep it simple. Set goals, create space to focus on those goals, and streamline daily decisions so that you have enough brainpower to make those goals happen. 

  • Streamline your daily decisions. We make tons of little decisions every day. These decisions, as small as they may be, take up brainpower. Simple planning will help streamline your daily decisions. For instance, you can plan out your meals and clothes ahead of each week. You just saved yourself an hour, maybe two, to put towards visualizing your purpose and executing your goals.

  • Be kind to yourself. As you think about what you can or have put your soul into, some negative thinking might come up, what you might have missed out on. Things you feel like you are not capable of achieving. Maybe even feeling like you don’t have a purpose at all. Acknowledge those thoughts but don’t dwell on them. Maybe it’s your mind’s way of telling you to look more into something, or maybe it just a fleeting thought. Take it for what it is worth and leave the negativity behind.  



You know we love manifesting on PlantBasedSlay. As you are aligning or realigning with your purpose, don’t forget to take time to manifest the things you want. Visualize what it would look like and feel like walking in your purpose.

In the second episode of PLANTED, Mama Paige and I discuss manifesting. Why it’s important, easy tip, and how anyone can do it! Listen here!


