So, I have blonde natural hair (not chemical-free for all the strict naturals out there lol). You might have heard me mention my blonde hair and how excited I was to finally get the ash blonde color I wanted on the Thing I Crave episode of Planted. It has been a long time coming. Lots of indecisiveness, bleach failures, and research. Finally, here I am – a blonde. 

While I love my blonde hair, the color is high maintenance. Naturally curly hair like mine is already prone to dryness. When you add bleach to the mix, it takes high maintenance to another level. A good balance of toning, moisture, and protein is key. I try to keep my natural hair care as natural as possible. Although, I do love my hair care products. It's easy to keep natural elements in your haircare routine when you are plant-based because you typically have everything you need right in your kitchen!


Let's Make the Mask

In my last wellness post, I mentioned that avocados could be used as a DIY face or hair mask. So, I thought, why not share my at-home avocado moisture hair mask with you. The recipe is easy, and most of the items might already be in your kitchen. If not, they can be easily found at your local grocery store or on Amazon.  

  1. Add all the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. The mixture should be the consistency of a hair conditioner. If too runny, add more avocado or banana. If too thick, add more fenugreek tea. 

  2. Add the mixture to your freshly washed hair. Comb through with a large-tooth comb. Add a plastic cap or bag over your hair and let sit for at least an hour. 

  3. Wash the mask out of your hair completely out with cold water. Seal in the moisture with your favorite oil. Then, style hair as desired. 

  4. Repeat once a month or as needed when your hair needs an extra moisture boost.


A Few Extra Tips

Now that you have the basics, here are a few extra tips: 

  1. Use the mask when you plan on spending most of the day indoors. While an hour is good, I usually like to leave my mask in for at least half the day. Again, my hair is super dry. I need all the moisture I can get, lol. I add the mask to my hair and cover hair up. Then, I take care of some house cleaning, read a couple of chapters in a book, and/or have some indoor playtime with Pup. After about half of the day, my hair feels super moisturized and soft. 

  2. Double cover to generate some heat. Heat is great for conditioning your hair. The heat helps open the cuticles and increase moisture absorption. To generate natural heat, I double up on the hair covering. First, add the plastic bag and then add a bonnet. The natural heat from your head will get trapped in the caps and enhance the DIY moisture mask's benefits. 

  3. Rinse with cold water. I know. Coldwater is uncomfortable – but it is necessary when conditioning. Coldwater will seal the cuticles and lock in all the benefits of the hair. The colder, the better. 

  4. Coconut Oil and Vitamin E. Many people prefer a certain hair oils over others. My pick is a mixture of coconut oil and vitamin e oil. I love using this mixture after my mask because it helps keep my hair soft with it being weighed down. My hair just soaks it up.



