Warmer weather is on the way! The sun is shining, and birds are chirping. It’s time for Spring.  When Spring comes, I always think about new beginnings. Cleaning out the old to make room for new energy. So, of course, it’s time for a little Spring cleaning. This will be a little different than your typical Spring cleaning activities. There are no buckets or mops required.  

Every so often, you need a good deep clean spiritually and mentally. I know I do. Just think of taking care of your hair. You maintain your hair daily. Even if you are using natural products on your hair, eventually, there will be some buildup prohibiting nourishment and growth. So, you give your hair a good deep clean to remove the buildup and give your hair a healthy, fresh start. 



Spring is the perfect time to give your mind, body, and spirit a healthy start. Here are a few tips and activities to deep clean mentally and spiritually in this new season: 

  1. Always Start with Intentions & Systems: Spring is a great time to look at your intentions and the systems you’ve created to flow with intentions. Are your intentions still applicable for this season in your life? Are the systems you created based on your intentions still effective? Take some time to assess your current intentions & systems. Realign with those that apply and replace those that are no longer applicable. 

  2. Purge What is No Longer Serving You: Purge, purge, purge. To make room for new energy and growth, purging the dead ends are essential. Let go of people and things that are no longer serving you. I know this is easier said than done sometimes, but the payoff is worthwhile. Once you make space in your mind and spirit, the things you have been praying for and manifesting will start to flow in. 

  3. Detoxing Bath: I am not the biggest fan of baths. I prefer a good shower. But, it is hard to deny the healing and detoxing powers of a good hot bath. Set aside some time for a hot bath with your favorite bath bombs, essential oil, and dried flowers for a nice mental and physical detoxing session. If you can stand the smell, apple cider vinegar is a good detox bath enhancement.

  4. Consume What is Good for the Soul: Feed your soul well during this period. Be intentional about what you are feeding your mind, body, and soul. Eat good food, listen to good things, and watch good things. If you put good things in, you will get good things out. 

  5. Be Kind to Yourself: Intentional consumption includes self-talk! So, be kind to yourself. Only speak what aligns with what you are manifesting and what your intentions are. If negative self-talk creeps in, correct it. Be your biggest fan instead of your biggest critic.  

These tips are only a sample of things you can do during Spring cleaning. I created this list based on what works for me but feel free to customize your experience based on what works for you. Wellness is all about what is good for your soul. 

Happy Cleaning!



