Sometimes you deserve a reward just for existing. I know you might think – that's a millennial mindset if I ever heard one. You know what? You might be right…and you know what else, that doesn't make the statement any less true. You are worthy and deserving just because you are you. So, how do you celebrate yourself? 

Mama Paige recently shared an excerpt of Shift For Good by Tori Johnson. The book is about taking time to celebrate you just because. Doing things to celebrate yourself by enjoying things that you crave. The small or large things that spark joy. The author challenges everyone to make a crave list – 100 things that spark joy. Of course, Mama Paige and I accepted the challenge! To hear what our top 10 items on out crave lists were, listen to the Things I Crave episode of PLANTED.

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The Crave List was harder to create than I thought it would be. To think of 10 things, let alone 100, that inspire joy for me– just me. When I started the list, I included about 3 things for Kawhi (my pup) - a Kong dog toy, DentaStix, and bacon. Yes, I am plant-based, and I had bacon on my list! Lol, How silly is that? Here was my logic- if Kawhi is happy, then I am happy. How many times have you rationalized your joy based on what makes some other being happy? I know I can't be alone here. 

Your happiness or joy should not be dependent on others' happiness or joy – no matter how close you are. So, I started my list over. Only focusing on what inspires joy for me. After I struggled through the first 10, I realized that many of the things were reward-based. If I get this done, then I can have this. Or, if I have a bad day, I deserve to have this. As I continued working on the list, I realized I need to do more to inspire joy for myself for no other reason than I love myself without fear of seeming high maintenance, selfish, or entitled.

Instead of focusing on how I might come off to others, I focused on how it will benefit me. Promoting self-love, boosting self-confidence, inspiring joy daily, and shifting to a gratitude-based mindset. When you fill yourself up until you overflow, you will automatically exude positivity and love with little to no effort. This will not only attract more positivity and love into your life, but it will also attract the type of people who support love and positivity into your life. 


This is where I challenge you! Make your own crave list and only include things that inspire joy for you. There is not a right or wrong answer, but I do have a few tips to help you get started: 

  • It's All About You: This is your list – so only include things that inspire joy for you. Whether it's something as simple as your favorite snack or as big as an overseas trip, include it all. Think back to things you used to do, new things you've recently found that you enjoy, and things you only do when you're rewarding yourself. Add it all to the list.

  • Share Experiences with Your Loved Ones: Every so often, share your experiences with your loved ones. If a bowl of your favorite ice cream while watching your favorite movie sparks joy, invite a friend to share the experience with you. This shared experience could inspire your loved ones to take more time to enjoy the things that they crave. 

  • Be Open to New Things: As you continue to grow in your wellness journey, you might experience a shift in what sparks joy in your life. Be open to trying and exploring new ways to spark joy in your life. You might surprise yourself! 

Now that you have a list of things you crave make time to do one or more things whenever you need it. You don't have to wait until you had a bad day or for a special event. Just celebrate you for being you.



