The days are shorter and, baby, it’s cold outside. While this is the perfect time to cuddle up under blankets and sip hot chocolate, sometimes the winter season can bring on the blues. The winter blues are no fun – you feel zapped of energy and your warm blankets won’t let you out of bed. 

If you are tuning into the winter blues, here are a few tips for turning your blues into a lovely tune: 

  • Treat yourself. When I am getting into a funk, I put myself through self-care rehab – doing something every day to treat myself without breaking the bank. It can be something as small as having my favorite glass of wine after a long day or, when I really need a boost, planning an impromptu “AP day” full of pampering, shopping and great food. 

  • Move it and shake it. Sometimes you have to kick yourself out of bed. I know it can be easier said than done on those cold mornings, but give it try. Moving around gets your blood flowing and helps to wake (and warm) up your body. Tip: Even if you don’t have plans, give yourself a time when you will get out of bed, a task to do right after and a treat after you finish the task

  • Get into a flow. A routine can be a saving grace. Establishing a morning or night routine (or both) helps as a daily practice, but it can also be the difference between you being in a funk or in your flow. If you don’t have a routine or looking to update yours, check out my post about morning routine for tips. 

  • Light up your life. The days might be getting shorter, but there is always room for a little sunshine. Whether you are opening your shades or going for walk during the day, find little ways to light up your life. Natural light is a great source of vitamin D, and vitamin D is shown to play a role in mood-boosting. 

Don’t have a natural light source? No worries, a lightbox might be your new best friend. The lightbox mimics natural sunlight, helping to regulate your body and mood during the shorter winter days.  

While these tips are great for getting out of the Winter blues funk, sometimes a little extra help is needed. If you find that your blues just aren’t going away, you might be experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). According to the Mayo Clinic, SAD is “a type of depression that's related to changes in seasons” and typically around the same time every year. If you feel like you might be experiencing SAD, reach out to a therapist. Sitting down with a professional (virtually or in real life) can give you the clarity and tools you need to get back on track. 

Do you have some things that help keep your spirits up during the winter? Let us know in the comments below, we would love to hear them!

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